Powering the future

Warwick Energy Limited

Warwick Energy Limited Environmental Management System

Environmental management is an integral part of Warwick Energy’s business management and takes equal priority with health and safety issues. The company has a formal Environmental Management System, based on a site based certified ISO 14001 EMS

Dr Robert Jones is the board director of Warwick responsible for HS&E matters. He is specifically responsible for ensuring that an EMS is in place and is implemented throughout the company. He is additionally responsible for ensuring that the necessary resources are made available by the board to support the policy. As part of this role he ensures that internal safety and environmental audits are carried out and recommendations implemented and that all personnel have the necessary training to carry out their functions effectively and safely.

The company has an unblemished record in respect of its environmental practices. There has been no civil action against the company since its inception, neither has the company been prosecuted or threatened with prosecution in respect of its environmental performance.

The Environmental Management System forms part of the company’s overall Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System. All sub-contracted personnel are made aware of their HSEMS responsibilities via Site Standing Instructions, which include a written induction procedure as per the requirements of the System.

Warwick Energy out-sources much of the work to external consultants and contractors. As part of the selection procedures for external services Warwick use pre-qualification, tendering and bid evaluation procedures that ensure that appointed contractors and service providers are assessed not only on technical and cost effectiveness grounds but also against HS&E criteria. Once selected, the company continuously monitors the service provider to ensure it meets the company’s requirements with respect to health, safety and environmental performance.