Powering the future

Warwick Energy Limited

Warwick Energy Limited
Health & Safety and Environmental Policy Statement

Warwick Energy Limited is committed to performing its work in the safest and most environmentally acceptable practicable manner consistent with good industry practice, to protecting the health of its employees and contractors, and to minimising any adverse impact on the community and the environment from its operations.

In support of this statement Warwick Energy Limited has therefore adopted the following policies.
Management and Responsibilities. 
We will manage our health, safety and environmental risks with equal ranking as our other corporate objectives. We will prepare, review and update as necessary a Health and Safety and Environmental Management System. 

We will make personnel aware that health & safety and environmental management is a line management responsibility. 

We will ensure that all specific responsibilities identified in the Health & Safety and Environmental Management System are clearly assigned, and that all employees and contractors have the appropriate awareness, skills and competence. 

Reduction of Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks

We will identify and minimise health & safety and environmental risks to employees, contractors, the public and the environment in all aspects of our operations. This includes design, equipment selection, construction and installation of facilities as well as the operation and maintenance of all plant and facilities.

We will take into account health and safety and environmental performance when selecting contractors and equipment and material suppliers.

We will implement and maintain procedures to minimise the risk of accidental spillages and emissions and we will maintain appropriate emergency response and clean-up plans to mitigate the impact of an an-planned event.

We will ensure that all personnel are appropriately trained to carry out their work correctly and to recognise the health and safety and environmental implications of incorrect actions.

Compliance and Reviews

We will comply, as a minimum, with all relevant statutory regulations and appropriate industry codes of practice.

We will carry out reviews and analysis of all accidents and incidents, including near misses, and will update policies and procedures as necessary.

We will establish a Health & Safety and Environmental Management Committee which will periodically review the performance of the Health & Safety and Environmental Management System and which will propose changes and new targets as appropriate.

We will ensure that all personnel are fully briefed on the performance of our Safety and Environmental Management System. We will organise periodic Site Safety and Environmental meetings where health, safety and environmental issues can be discussed.

The general statement and policies shown above was signed by Rob Jones, Director of Warwick Energy Limited on 30th July 2012.